Salmon Avocado Sushi UMAMI Flavor

Ingredients (6 servings)

Rice (cooked) 550g
【A】 Vinegar 3 Tbsp
Sugar 2 tsp
Salt 1 tsp
Avocado 2
【B】 Lemon juice As needed
White pepper Pinch
Salt Pinch
Salmon 400g
【C】 Lemon juice 1 Tbsp
Lemon peel As needed
Shallot 10g
Soy sauce 1 tsp
S&B UMAMI TOPPING Crunchy Flake Type Chili 100g As needed
S&B UMAMI TOPPING Crunchy Flake Type Curry 100g As needed
S&B UMAMI TOPPING Crunchy Flake Type Wasabi 100g As needed


  1. Combine 【A】 and mix it into warm rice. Blend with a spatula using a cutting motion until the rice is glossy.
  2. Remove the pit from the avocado and crush the flesh roughly. Add 【C】.
  3. Push the rice into the ring molds and place 【3】 and 【2】 on top. Remove the molds.
  4. Top 【4】 with the UMAMI Flake of your choice.